Glassguard® Bullet Resistant Glass
Glassguard® Bullet Resistant Glass
Glassguard® Bullet Resistant Glass is developed, tested, certified and manufactured to provide the most durable protection against ballistic threat.
It is thinner and lighter than other available products and does not incorporate polycarbonate or other materials that have a propensity to delaminate or embrittle.
This product range is now available in sizes up to 5 metres x 1.8 metres, significantly reducing constraints on architectural design.
Glassguard® is backed by a 10-year delamination and performance warranty, unequalled by any other product.
Glassguard® bullet resistant panels have been installed in more than 50 Australian Embassies and consulates around the world, as well as those of other countries, over 25 years. Not a single panel has been reported as developing any defect.